Journal Papers
• J. Mehr, E. J. Alvarez, and A. Ning (2022). "Interactional Aerodynamics Analysis of a Multi-Rotor Energy Kite." (in review)
• E. J. Alvarez & A. Ning (2023). "Meshless Large Eddy Simulation of
Propeller-Wing Interactions Through the Reformulated Vortex Particle
Method." Journal of Aircraft. [PDF]
• E. J. Alvarez & A. Ning (2023). "Stable Vortex Particle Method Formulation
for Meshless Large-Eddy Simulation." AIAA Journal [PDF]
• E. J. Alvarez & A. Ning (2020). "High-fidelity Modeling of Multirotor Aerodynamic Interactions for Aircraft Design." AIAA Journal. [PDF]
• E. J. Alvarez & A. P. Ribaric (2018). "An improved-accuracy method for fatigue load analysis of wind turbine gearbox based on SCADA". Renewable Energy. [PDF]
Conference Papers
• E. J. Alvarez, C. Joseph, and A. Ning (2023). "Vortex Particle Method for Electric Ducted Fan in Non-Axisymmetric Flow." AIAA AVIATION FORUM. [SLIDES][PDF]
• E. J. Alvarez & A. Ning (2022). "FLOWUnsteady: An Interactional Aerodynamics Solver for Multirotor Aircraft and Wind Energy." AIAA AVIATION Forum. [VIDEO][PDF]
• E. J. Alvarez, A. Schenk, T. Critchfield, and A. Ning (2020). "Rotor-on-Rotor Aeroacoustic Interactions of Multirotor in Hover." Vertical Flight Society 76th Forum. [SLIDES][PDF]
• J. Mehr, E. J. Alvarez, and A. Ning (2020). "Unsteady Aerodynamic Analysis of Wind Harvesting Aircraft". AIAA AVIATION Forum. [VIDEO][PDF]
• E. J. Alvarez & A. Ning (2019). "Modeling Multirotor Aerodynamic Interactions Through the Vortex Particle Method." AIAA AVIATION Forum. [SLIDES][PDF]
• E. J. Alvarez & A. Ning (2018). "Development of a Vortex Particle Code for the Modeling of Wake Interaction in Distributed Propulsion". AIAA AVIATION Forum. [SLIDES][PDF]
PhD Dissertation
• E. J. Alvarez (2022). "Reformulated Vortex Particle Method and Meshless Large Eddy Simulation of Multirotor Aircraft". Doctoral Dissertation, Brigham Young University. [PDF]

Invited Talks
• E. J. Alvarez & A. Ning (2022). "Meshless Large Eddy Simulation of Multirotor Aircraft through the Reformulated Vortex Particle Method." AMS Seminar Series. NASA Ames Research Center. [VIDEO][SLIDES]
• E. J. Alvarez & A. Ning (2019). "Vortex Particle Method and Multirotor Aircraft Aerodynamics." Army Research Laboratory. Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland.
• A. P. Ribaric & E. J. Alvarez (2017). "True fatigue load analysis of wind turbines based on SCADA." Wind Europe Conference. Amsterdam, Netherlands.
• R. M. Oakey, E. J. Alvarez, and S. L. Thomson (2016). "Simultaneously modeling of multiple fluid-structure interaction subsystems of the human vocal folds." The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. DOI: 10.1121/1.4970611
• E. J. Alvarez & S. L. Thomson (2016). "Simulations of three-dimensional, self-oscillating vocal fold replicas with liquid-filled cavities." The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. DOI: 10.1121/1.4950646